Banishing a Negative Person

Banishing/protection spell:


The intent of this spell is to remove a person from your life (and the life of the ones that you love) who is doing harm (or just causing problems). This spell will not inflict harm on the target. It will simply cause the target to get out of your life.


1 black candle (for banishing) (if banishing more than one person add one black candle for each additional person)
1 white candle (for protection) (if protecting more than one person, add one white candle per extra person)
Black thread (string, or yarn will also work)
Olive oil
Cloves (two or three crushed)

Timing: New moon or full moon


Write the target's name (or the names of multiple people you need to banish) on the top of the parchment. Write your name (and/or the names of the people that he/she should also leave alone) at the bottom.

Next you should work up some emotions. You should first focus on a loving and protective mood. You want to be a shield for yourself and any others that you want to protect.

Take your Olive oil add the cloves to it. You should focus intently on yourself and the others that you want to protect encircled in a brilliant white and blue protective sphere. Meditate on this for several minutes while holding the olive oil in your hand. You might also visualize using a knife (or scissors) to cut any psychic bonds the target has to the ones being protected. After they are cut they can not be reconnected due to the protective sphere.

Use the olive oil (with the clove mix in) to dress the white candle. You should also use the olive oil to anoint the name of each person that is to be protected. This is symbolic of you intent of protection from the target(s).

Next you want to envision the target of this spell sending negative energy towards you and the ones that you are protecting. This should make you very mad. You will stop at nothing to protect yourself and the others from this negative force. Do anything that you need to work yourself into a frenzy� But it should be caused by a protective reaction. You will want to keep this mood for the remainder of the spell!

Inscribe the target's name on the black candle (one person per candle). While doing this you should focus intently on this person leaving the life or the ones to be protected. You might consider visualizing them packing their things and leaving town altogether. If you are targeting multiple people, use multiple candles. Hold the candle(s) in your hand and just focus on your anger for them. Tell them out loud that you will not let them interfere or harm you (or the others) ever!! Be very direct and to the point. You want to infuse this emotion into the candle(s).

As you are saying the spell (see below) tear the parchment separating the target's name from the names at the bottom. This should be a gradual process. You should complete the tear as you finish the very last iteration of the following chant (ie. If you say it three times, you should complete the tear as you finish the third iteration.) Put some emotion into the tearing process. You are ripping them away from you and the ones that you are protecting. Do it like you mean it!

, I command you to leave alone. From this moment forward, you will not have any contact with them. You will not speak of them. You will not influence them. You will not visit them. You will not do any of these things either directly or indirectly. You can do absolutely nothing that will affect their lives in any way. This is my will. So mote it be!

Now fold up the portion of the parchment with the target's name on as tightly as you possibly can. Tie it up in black yarn, thread, or string. As you do this visualize this thread (symbolizing your will) wrapping around the target. This is to restrain them from the ones that you are protecting.

Now say, you are bound. Only I can release this spell. This spell will harm no one and can never return to me.

Bury the bound piece of parchment where is will not be disturbed� ever. As you do this visualize the earth engulfing the target preventing him/her from returning. You can also sprinkle salt over the little burial site for added protection.

The other portion of the parchment (with the names of the protected ones), should be placed in a clean new white envelope. After sealing the envelope, smear the olive oil mixture over the seal for added protection. Keep this envelope in a safe place. Do not open it.

Allow the candles to burn down completely. As they burn, the energy of your spell will be released.

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