War Water is traditionally used for foot track magic to place curses and bring trouble in someone's life. Mostly created with swampy or rain water, spanish moss, rusty nails, graveyard dirt, and other ingredients.

There are several uses which include:
1. Forcefully splash the War Water against the door of your enemy and proclaim your curse, then bury the nails where the victim is sure to step.
2. Write the name of your enemy in black ink and place it in the water with pins needles and the nails included and shake it whenever you would like to inflict harm to that person. ( You can also add broken glass particularly from a mirror and any personal items or scraps of cloths, hair etc.)
3. Write the name of your enemy in black in and place it in the water with black dog hair and black cat hair adding the name(s) of the anyone you wish them to fight with inevitably causing them to sever their ties.
4. Add graveyard dirt to the War Water as well as the name of your enemy and shake it to cause them to be tormented by spirits. (Again, for added potency add the mirror and personal items.)

There are several uses which include:
1. Forcefully splash the War Water against the door of your enemy and proclaim your curse, then bury the nails where the victim is sure to step.
2. Write the name of your enemy in black ink and place it in the water with pins needles and the nails included and shake it whenever you would like to inflict harm to that person. ( You can also add broken glass particularly from a mirror and any personal items or scraps of cloths, hair etc.)
3. Write the name of your enemy in black in and place it in the water with black dog hair and black cat hair adding the name(s) of the anyone you wish them to fight with inevitably causing them to sever their ties.
4. Add graveyard dirt to the War Water as well as the name of your enemy and shake it to cause them to be tormented by spirits. (Again, for added potency add the mirror and personal items.)
- Iron nails (cut iron), ones that rust easily
- Enough water to cover nails in a mason jar
- Let rust for about 7-10 days (open periodically to allow oxidation)
- Keep adding water as the rust builds
- Strain and use as needed (but discard if bacteria form)
Once you have War Water, how do you use it? There are several methods for deploying this water, depending on just what your final intent might be. If you only intend to use the most basic rust-water formula for protective purposes, here are some ways you might apply it:
- As an addition to a spiritual bath
- As a wash for the outside of your home or business
- As a sprinkle for any letters or papers you might be sending out to someone hostile to you (such as legal papers)
You can also use it to clean your porch, outside hallway or throw some of the water around your property to create a barrier of protection. A cleansing is highly recommended as well. This stuff is nasty!, which is supposed to be! Its advisable that you wear gloves. War Water, also known as Iron Water and Mars Water, is not native to hoodoo practices. Most likely, it is a European influence, as its name and purpose are derived from the Roman god of war, Mars. However, despite the fact that is it not historically traditional to hoodoo, War Water has earned such a prominate place in modern conjure it is worth talking about.
What is War Water?
Water of Mars (or alternatively known as War Water) is a mighty tool that every witch should keep in hand.
Essentially, War Water is rust iron suspended in water. In its most basic form it is water in which cut iron has been allowed to oxidize and rust. The water and iron used depends on both the purpose of the concoction and the conjurer preparing it. To some conjurers the type of water does not matter, others will insist that it is necessary that you use thunderstorm water for the best results. Still others will insist on running water as the base, specifically water that runs in a direction away from you and your home. As for the iron used, some recipes call for cut nails, some coffin nails, and others railway spikes, depending on the purpose.
On a Tuesday (the day of Mars) put the iron nails in the jar and fill the jar with water. Leave the nails inside the jar for at least 15 days in a cool place (preferably your refrigerator as you will prevent bacteria to be cultivated in the water). For the first 7 days leave the jar unopened and then open periodically as air will speed up the oxidation process of the nails. The secret for this recipe is oxidation.
Strain the water from the jar and use as needed. You can keep adding water to the original jar with the iron nails indefinitely and you will have an infinite supply of Water of Mars. In addition, you can summon the God Mars to bless your water with his powers.
Use Water of Mars :
To banish evil and remove negativity from your place – Sprinkle around your house
To protect you, your loved one and your property from future psychic and magical attacks
As additional aid in unbinding spells- Use it in your ritual to remove malevolent magic that has targeted you and your loved ones
To remove obstacles- When you feel that your road is blocked by unseen powers
For jinx removing- Add some drops in your bath along with a pinch of Black Salt and bathe
Black Salt can be added to Water of Mars for improved effects as the two ingredients will make a powerful duet against evil. However, I would like you to be aware that it is a very strong combination and if you use it in your property always use other protective ingredients with more mild effects afterwards. Burn lavender, myrrh and gardenia oils in an oil burner to seal your protective ritual and calm the atmosphere down after a fierce battle.
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