Casting a Circle

Step 1 
Setting up the altar:  

On the altar you have a tool that represents each of the 4 elements and a representation of them.  The tools are the Athame, the Wand, the Chalice and the Pentacle.  The representations are the Altar candle, the Bowl of Salt, the Bowl of Water, and the Censer (incense burner).  You do not need to have all of these tools however, if you do not have an Athame or a wand, simply use your pointed finger, or use a temporary wand or Athame, a stick or a kitchen knife.


Step 2

Place all the items you need within the circle: This is quite obvious it would seem, but it is amazing how many times you are in the middle of the ritual, and realise you forgot to bring in something you needed.  If you do forget something, and must get it, you can cut a door in the circle to go and fetch it.  You can cut a door by taking the Athame, or Wand (or your finger) and tracing a line, to become a hole big enough for you to walk through, remember to seal it back up again when you come back in by reversing the direction you cut it in, and imagining the energy of the circle filling up the cut.  I think of it as cutting a flap out of jelly I draw up one side, across the top and down the other, let it flap down - walk through, then to close it I amagine the flap lifting back up and my Athame re-sealing it .... almost like it is in reverse

Step 3

Put the point of your athame or wand in the water and give the exorcism of water as follows:

Now put the point of your athame or wand in the salt and give the exorcism of water as follows:

Now add some salt into the water and mix with the end of athame or wand. Now starting in the north sprinkle the salt water all around in a circle where your magickal circle will be cast ending back in the north.

Now take your incense and light it, and starting in the north go around your circle same as you did with the salt water, ending back in north.

Set the incense aside. Take up your athame or wand, and begining in the North, walk deosil (clockwise) around the circle facing outward. Hold the athame in your projective hand, right if you are right handed, left if you are left handed. As you walk, point the athame at the ground and visualize clearly the blue violet fire forming a circle around you. Recite the following words as you walk:

Step 4

As you walk around the circle with your Athame, Wand or finger pointed at the ground.  Imagine white flames, or white light streaming from the Athame, wand or finger, to form a protective bubble around you.

Casting the circle: Starting facing North and say

“I cast this magick circle, that it be a boundary between this world, And that of the spirit realm. Hail Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, Element of Earth! I call upon thee, to guard and protect, To lend your power to mine. As above, So below,  So mote it be!”

Now circle to the east as say To the East:

"I invoke from the East the creativity and inspiration of Air. I welcome you into my circle and ask your guidance and protection during this act of magick,  As above, So below,  So mote it be!”

To the South: "I invoke from the South the vitality and passion of Fire. I welcome you into my circle and ask your guidance and protection during this act of magick,  As above, So below,  So mote it be!”

To the West: "I invoke from the West the wisdom and healing of Water. I welcome you into my circle an ask your guidance and protection during this act of magick  As above, So below,  So mote it be!”

***** NOTE
If at some point during the ritual it becomes necessary to leave the circle temporarily, you may use the athame to cut an opening in the circle. Holding the athame in your projective hand, insert it into the wall of the circle near the floor. Pull the athame up cutting the wall as you go to about six feet above the ground. Then cut across the top and down the otherside to form a door. This opening may be used to exit the circle and then re-enter. Afterward, before going on with the ritual, close the doorway by retracing the steps you took to cut the opening. Starting at the bottom left, move the athame upward, across the top, and down the right side of the doorway, sealing the opening as you go. After resealing the circle you may resume the ritual.

When  your ritual and/or magick is done, you have to close the circle

When the ritual is complete you will want to dismiss the Watchtowers individually with the following invocation of thanks, fill in the appropriate direction in the blank: North South East West

Retrace the circle with the athame going in a widdershins (counter clockwise) direction, visualizing the energy being returned to the athame as the circle is unmade. Say the following as you stand before the altar:

As you speak, hold the athame high then release the energy to the universe. Visualize the blue violet flames streaming toward the heavens, off to manifest the purpose of the circle. The circle is now open.


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